
Marie-Laure Romanet


Vers un autre monde

The artist

This morning, I was asked what tools I use in my paintings. I would say that it is not the tool that is important but the strength and the conviction that I put into it! The tool is just a continuity of my body which dictates to me which gesture is appropriate at such moment, it is a series of movements which are linked without thinking, a visceral work, there are no rules, just let yourself be carried away by your emotions. Everything that cannot be said in words lies down on the canvas in a powerful and liberating gesture!
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Marie-Laure Romanet Prin's extraordinary work explodes in all directions. The canvas develops and deploys an unequaled energy because the gaze immediately captures all the prodigious gestures of the painter, manifested in the dripping, incessant and extraordinarily complex, carried out. I am talking about this technique used by the very great Jackson Pollock consisting in spreading on the canvas fixed to the ground a dripping - of paint, which materializes by a skein of threads, lines, knots over the entire surface of the painting. cloth. To admire this work is to receive this phenomenal energy, these influxes of vigor as Rimbaud says, and to become oneself the conductor of this energy as if one were the object of shamanic, telluric and celestial forces. Staggering impact of this magnificent and orderly muddle despite the appearance of chaos, of this swarm of lines. The canvas obsesses us and subjugates us like a gigantic natural phenomenon, like a catastrophe of light, like an endless and unleashed proliferation, pure action in every way.
There is in fact no longer a center or rather everything is center, argus with a thousand eyes, thus taking up the principle of baroque overloading centuries later. Effervescence of lines and colors from which emerges a framework, in the form of zebra stripes, by means of a thicker dripping which gives shape and meaning to the tight bundle of lines. This maximalism is the work of the Transcendent, the Numinous ... The furious interlacing consumes, consumes the abyss. . . We are no longer in the game of appearance, reflection and shadow. We are witnessing as on the first day, through the exhaustion and saturation of space, the pure emergence. Creation (Schöpfung) which is the antithesis of exhaustion (Erschöpfung). In fact, it is a black work, a passage through the abyss, a passion raised, denied in Genesis of all the natural, mineral, plant, animal, human forms paradoxically present in the explosion of light and colors. We can guess them, we are under their power, their aura haunts - in glory - the brilliant painted work of Marie-Laure ''. © Marc Guillaumat Sketch about a work of genius.
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